AM-Toolset von platinus Consulting
AMIS - AM-InformationsSysteme von platinus Consulting
Application Lifecycle Management Tools (ALM-Tools) are more comprehensive than software development tools because of its longer and wider coverage. Aside from software requirements, planning, design, development, testing, and deployment, the tools also need to cover several business management and product development processes.
Nachfolgenden finden Sie weitere Informationen zu unseren Informationssystemen im Business Consulting zur Fachdisziplin Anforderungsmanagement (AM).
📄️ SaaS-gitea
SaaS-Steckbrief zum Versions- und Issue-Management System
📄️ SaaS-gitea
SaaS-Steckbrief zum Erstellen und Teilen von Sequenzdiagrammen
🗃️ SaaS-JIRA
1 items